Friday, 13 May 2016

13.5. - Urban Otaniemi Day

Hang with us in #urbanotaniemi 

On Aalto University’s course Situated Urban we started exploring the environment of Otaniemi, a place of study, and for some a living place. As a campus area, and with the incoming metro line becoming an increasingly more substantial part of Helsinki, we started discussing and exploring the urban side of the space. We inquired into the already urban aspects of Otaniemi and their potential.
We wanted to experience Otaniemi as an urban space. We are doing this through an experimental performative action, which will be live-streamed. We plan to set our minds to perceive Otaniemi as urban, which will transcend into action. 

Jernej Čuček Gerbec, Ilona Lehtonen, Annika Maus, Anna-Sofia Sysser, Hiromu Yoshimine, Zhen Zhang
sekatekniikka, sosiaalinen media
mixed (social) media, multilingual
Kokeiluja ja kokemuksia urbaanista tilasta. SUORA LÄHETYS!
Exploration and experience of a space as urban. LIVE NOW!
Livestream: Periscope and Twitter @ViMMA_Aalto #Aalto #ViCCA #art #intervention
Tutkimme Otaniemen urbaaniutta sekä tilan haltuun ottamista “hengaamisen” kautta. Projekti toteutetaan osana Aalto-yliopiston Situated Urban -kurssia.
As a part of Aalto University’s course Situated Urban we are exploring the urban elements of Otaniemi through performative action of hanging out. 

And some images of the hanging out by Taina:

The Invisible city of Otaniemi

Le città nascoste 3,14

Otaniemi è una città che risulta urbana solo dall’ interno. Fuori sembra una collezione di edifici di mattoni rossi sparsi tra gli alberi e cespuglie. Soltanto dentro le case si trovano spazi pubblici, folle e movimento, incontri aleatori, luoghi memorabili e le loro dèi. Gli abitanti di Otaniemi da maggior parte non vivono li, ma altrove. Otaniemi per loro en uno spazio di passato, di ricordi e sogni, paure ed amori; oppure una presenza temporanea, una parte della loro vita che non ha niente a fare con realta quotidiana. Per questa non cambia mai nulla, anche se si construiscono altre case di mattoni rossi. Qualunque che volesse una dimora diversa, semplicemente va via, portando soltanto i ricordi con se.

Hidden cities 3,14

Otaniemi is a city that is urban only at the interior. Without it looks like a collection of red brick buildings dispersed among trees and bushes. Only inside the houses can you find public spaces, crowds and movement, random encounters, memorable places and their gods. Most of the inhabitants of Otaniemi don’t live in the city, but somewhere else. For them Otaniemi is a space of the past, of memories and dreams, fears and loves; or a transitory presence, a part of their lives that has nothing to do with everyday reality. Because of this nothing ever changes, even if more red brick buildings are constructed. Anybody who wants a different dwelling simply goes away, taking with them only the memories.

Kätketyt kaupungit 3,14

Otaniemi on kaupunki joka on urbaani vain sisätiloissa. Ulkoapäin se näyttää punatiilisten talojen kokoelmalta, joka on siroteltu puiden ja pensaiden keskelle. Vain talojen sisällä on julkisia tiloja, ihmisjoukkoja ja liikettä, satunnaisia kohtaamisia, ikimuistoisia paikkoja ja niiden jumalia. Otaniemen asukkaista suurin osa ei asu Otaniemessä, vaan muualla. Otaniemi on heille menneisyyden tila, muistojen ja unelmien, pelkojen ja rakkauksien tila; tai tilapäinen olotila, osa heidän elämäänsä jolla ei ole mitään tekemistä jokapäiväisen todellisuuden kanssa. Tämän vuoksi mikään ei koskaan muutu, vaikka rakennettaisiin uusia punatiilisiä taloja. Se joka haluaa muunlaisen asuinpaikan yksinkertaisesti lähtee tiehensä, vieden mukanaan vain muistonsa.

Taina Rajanti